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Behind The Song: Harbour’s “Grade School Summer”


Pop-punk outfit Harbour specializes in posi riffs and an original pop-punk attitude. For their track “Grade School Summer,” the band took a step back to their childhood to write this tune.

I wrote the song Grade School Summer about reminiscing on the past and reflecting on when life was easier and without so many responsibilities. We all miss being a kid. Doing basically whatever we wanted to do, whenever we wanted to do it and having rarely any consequences for our actions other than maybe being sent to our rooms. I’m 24 years old and every day I wish I was half my age, living life without a care in the world.

We released this song in October 2014, and I’ve had almost 50 people directly come up and tell me or email me letting me know how much that song means to them. I’ve actually had a few people tell me they have cried from hearing the lyrics. It’s crazy to think that something that you have written has impacted people so much and I can’t be any more thrilled and proud of that accomplishment.


Reminiscing on the past, childhood has gone so fast, living life without a care in the whole world. We ride our bikes to the skate park, stayed out until the lights went dark. Parents grounded us but it was so worth it.

Looking to the past, life went by so fast. I wish I could stay a kid for always.

Memories are all I have now to remember my stories of every single Grade School Summer. I believe my better days are far and long gone, honestly.

Shooting puck with my old man. Household chores I could not stand. Nearly missed her lips when I had my first kiss. Head up north for vacation. Endless hours on Playstation. Signing in and out of MSN to get her attention.

Memories are all I have now to remember my stories of every single Grade School Summer. I believe my better days are far and long gone, honestly.

No, I’m not saying I don’t love my life right now. I just miss the days when I had no responsibilities, no 9 to 5, no bills to pay, no reason to worry. Because I had my entire life waiting in front of me.

Memories are all I have now to remember my stories of every single Grade School Summer. I believe my better days are far and long gone, honestly.


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