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You, Me, and Everyone We Know – Dogged


You, Me, and Everyone We Know – Dogged
By: Trevor Figge

            You, Me and Everyone We Know announced that they were signed to a new record label in December, 2014 and every single emo kid from 2004 to 2008 rejoiced. YMAEWK is 2004-2008 emo/pop-punk band that could be likened to Say Anything and My Chemical Romance. They make you wish that chain wallets, cargo shorts, and spiked hair were still a thing. Liebsch’s voice is just like it was in the previous iterations of YMAEWK, resembling that of Say Anything’s Max Bemis’s. So much so that you will do a double take and ensure that this isn’t a Say Anything side project, but rest assured it’s not. This is YMAEWK.

            Dogged, starts off with a short punk driven song “Raise Them Bones”, sporadic background vocals and a bouncing chant chorus sets the scene for the rest of the six song EP. Dogged will be about love, passion, and the trials and tribulation one goes through in order to follow their dreams. Next YMAEWK, goes into a song that sounds as if it were directly plucked off of …Is A Real Boy. “Does It Amaze Thee” is a pop-punk/emo/punk-rock song longing for it to be 2004 again. Every ounce of toe tapping honesty that is packed into this song screams I’m here, I’ve been hurt, and this is my story.

            Dogged as a whole is a great EP, it tells you the story of Liebsch’s struggles and everything he has been through. Lyrically it’s laid out in an intricate fashion that allows everyone to relate without loosing any meaning behind them. Instrumentally every part is almost methodically constructed to wrap perfectly around the lyrics. You will find yourself listening to this EP over and over again. Bobbing your head and singing along with the relatable lyrics.

Overall Rating: 4.5/5

Suggested Tracks: “Raise Them Bones”, “Does It Amaze Thee”, and “Brooks Was Here”




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