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M3F Fest 2020

Downtown Phoenix // Phoenix, AZ // March 6th – March 8th, 2020

Photos and review by Javi Perez

The annual M3F Fest held in Phoenix, Arizona opened its doors to attendees ready to experience the music filled weekend that began on March 6th. The non profit festival is a special and integral part of the Phoenix community. This year, they raised over $600,000 for local charities.

This year’s lineup consisted of Bon Iver, LANY, Han Solo, Sofi Tucker, Rufus Du Sol and Local Natives to name a few. This festival always does a great job of having a diverse lineup – from EDM to rock to reggae and everything in between – there is something for everyone. The festival also provides experiences outside of seeing your favorite band such as a silent disco and a drum circle.

The M3F Festival is a weekend I always look forward to and it is always so great to see how big of an impact music can make on my local community!


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