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PHOTO GALLERY: Girl Friday and The Beths


Girl Friday and The Beths

Pyramid Scheme // Grand Rapids, MI // July 2nd, 2019

Photos and review by Kendra Petersen Kamp

Girl Friday

Girl Friday opened July’s first Tuesday night at the Pyramid Scheme in Grand Rapids, MI with a similar force to the sudden downpour that had shocked the city right as doors opened. Channeling something more pop and post-punk on record, the L.A.-based group was straight punk with a touch of surf on stage. Their first night on tour with The Beths, Girl Friday elicited several “we love you!”s during quiet moments. 

The Beths

Lead by vocalist and guitarist Elizabeth Stokes, New Zealand’s The Beths filled the night with catchy, danceable indie rock. Guitar solos and Beach Boys harmonies got the crowd pumped up and dancing through the whole set. While almost all online bios about the band tout their studies of jazz in college, that fact seems little to do with the actual experience of seeing The Beths live- except that they are tight as fuck.

In between songs, Stokes presents as self-depreciating as her lyrics and song titles. Her timid approach to stage banter doesn’t stop her from a trusting rapport with the audience though– by the eighth song of the set, Stokes tells the audience “I feel we have built enough of a relationship now that we can play a new song.” When Stokes introduces their cover of “Soul Meets Body” (Death Cab for Cutie) she makes sure this specific audience approves “We’re gonna play a cover, if that’s okay…. in Grand Rapids.” In both cases, the crowd is more than satisfied.

Over the night, there’s nothing more clear: The Beth’s produce bops. 


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