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PREMIERE: Old Sol Share New Bop “Life’s Scary, Man”


Similar to Fountains Of Wayne meets Modern Baseball, Old Sol are an eclectic bunch who wear their hearts on their sleeves. Featuring catchy choruses and a strong variation in instruments, Old Sol are definitely coming out ahead with their single “Life’s Scary, Man.” With lyrics like “let me forget about my dad,” “let me pretend I have a friend” and “let me forget how to regret and be my own man,” the song bears soul and deep yearning with a ballad-worthy progression.

Check out what the band have to say about their single below.
This release was particularly enjoyable to put together for us because it was the first time we’ve felt like we had written music that we want to listen to. We went into this EP with the goal of finding inspiration in places we hadn’t considered before, in this case it came from genres like jazz, early classic rock, blues, as well as some more popular alternative music. Our writing process this time around was also a lot more conducive to creativity. Our drummer has a small home studio where we were able to make demos and eventually record everything ourselves without the deadlines of booking studio time. The songs were mixed by a friend of ours who we’ve worked with for of all our releases, and coming back to work with the same person has been instrumental in our growth. Overall we’re hoping to build some momentum with these release, keep playing shows, and just continue doing something we all really enjoy. It’s tough to remain a band when members go away to college in different places, but our enthusiasm and energy haven’t slowed down and we’re genuinely excited to see how people respond to these songs.


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