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ALBUM REVIEW: Pierce The Veil – ‘Misadventures’


Pierce The Veil – Misadventures
Review by Ally Fisher

The four year period that left fans of Pierce the Veil in anticipation, excitement and unfortunately frequent occurrences of false hope is finally over. As one of the most anticipated albums in the recent years, Pierce The Veil’s Misadventures fully delivers without a trace of disappointment. Every song on the album is well manicured with each lyric dripping emotion from lead singer Vic Fuentes. With Fuentes going back to the drawing board several times on this album, it’s no wonder it doesn’t fall short of perfection.

From opening track “Dive In” to closing “Song for Isabelle,” Misadventures not only showcases a Pierce the Veil that can still expertly shred, notably on “Texas is Forever” and “Sambuka,” but also a band that can explore uncharted territories. “Floral & Fading” presents a heavy pop-punk ballad sound, foreign for Pierce the Veil, but is nonetheless flawlessly executed. “Bedless” delves the band back into the ever-popular, theatrical-laced pop rock sound that encompassed their first album, A Flair for the Dramatic, just with exponentially more maturity from all members. Lyrically, the album is beautifully crafted and constructed. Each line perfects poetry and emits boundless imagery that is crooned from Fuentes’ powerful vocals. The lyrics, “I’m not a kid any more, but some days I sit and wish I was a kid again,” closes the album, exuding a powerful metaphor of the inevitable.

Cleverly titled, Misadventures represents the pitfalls the band experienced during the recording process but also allows for the connotation of positives that can come from starting anew. Misadventures is the beginning of a new chapter for the guys oinPierce the Veil and even though it took a while to get here, it was well worth the wait.

Overall Rating: 5/5
Recommended Tracks: “Floral & Fading,” “Bedless” and “Phantom Power and Ludicrous Speed” 

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