An indie pop, punk music blog radiating positivity and individuality

Album Review. Like Pacific – “Like Pacific”


Like Pacific – Like Pacific
By: Trevor Figge

            Pop-Punk is definitely not dead, however it is becoming over saturated. Now-a-days it seems like every classic movie, T.V. show, accomplishment, or just notable icon from our childhoods have become band names. To name a few of the big hitters, there is: The Wonder Years, State Champs, Handguns, Major League, and countless others. Not to mention all of the small hometown bands. Point being for every one or two big pop-punk band there are at least three mid-level bands trying to make their way to the top. It is with a heavy heart that I say Like Pacific will not be one of those to make it. They have up-beat fast punk driven songs, however their singer attempts to rely on the success of singers like Parker Cannon who blend pop-punk angst with hardcore yelling/singing. But of course he does not do it nearly as well as Parker does.

            Like Pacific’s self-titled EP provides the listener with no lasting impression. After listening to their EP four times through I can only remember two of their songs (“105 McCaul St.” and “Suffering”) and I can honestly say I have no desire to listen to anymore of it. The instrumentals are relatively bland and in no way, shape, or form unique. The same could be said for the vocals, there is nothing that leaves me wanting more. The lyrics don’t flow rhythmically with the instrumentals; they lack a lasting meaning; and most of all they do not stick in my mind. I hate giving something a bad review, however there is not much I can say about Like Pacific. The only good things I could possibly say are that they definitely know what they are doing when it comes to the punk aspect of pop-punk and that “105 McCaul St.” and “Suffering” are the redeeming songs for this EP. Which is lucky, since they both come at the end of the album so after each listen I reconsider listening to them hoping the first half of the EP will be this good. However, I hate to say it is not. Which Is why with a heavy heart I give the EP a 3 out of 5.

Suggested Tracks: “105 McCaul St.” and  “Suffering”

Overall Rating: 3/5



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