An indie pop, punk music blog radiating positivity and individuality

Guest Blog: Kiss The Concrete


As the holidays get closer and closer, people take time to give thanks for all they appreciate in live. Nina Johnstone of Kiss The Concrete Co. shared with us somethings she’s thankful for this season:

As we get closer to closing out another year for the books, it’s always a good idea to think back on the year to see how you fared against the original goals set 11 months prior. Sometimes I rose to the challenge- and other times, I realized I’m a little more set in my ways than I thought and my bad habits are entrenched in my veins. Regardless of the outcome, I look forward to each new year as a chance to renew and become a better version of myself. For the sake of not being cliché and to showcase how my brain works, I’ll leave the standard thanks for my end of year blog post. These are the 4 things I’m thankful for this holiday season from the mind of the “California Cultured” entrepreneurial spirit.

VANILLA CHAI LATTES: As I sit in one of my favorite coffee shops sipping on my signature caffeinated delight on a breezy evening, I ponder all of my relationships I’ve been in and the love affairs I wish happened all while running an independent company this year. It’s an age old tale that most successful entrepreneurs are either single or divorced and I was determined to not fall into that category this year. It’s been a roller coaster navigating those murky waters while forging a new path with my company, but I can at least say it’s been fun and educational trying. I’ve exceeded many business goals this year, so I can sip this drink and be content knowing that. At the end of the day, I don’t mind as long as I can hire a date for my family Christmas parties so my parents worry less about my life plans.

MANIC PANIC HAIR DYE: This year has been my most experimental phase I’ve happened upon. I had been a raven haired beauty for a majority of my life when I decided I wanted to try life as a blonde. Blonde turned to blue which turned to fuchsia which has now settled to vampire red. Manic Panic is a godsend for those times when I change up my look and rebel. It makes it easier for artist load in as well-“Look for the girl with light pink hair” has become an email staple. While my team takes bets on the color I’ll pick for tour, I’m enjoying life not knowing what to mark on driver’s license applications. They’ve got so many vibrant colors to keep a girl entertained and obsessing over, I may just play “pick a mystery bottle” and let things unfold as they may. I’ll eventually end up with black again, but not anytime soon!

EVERNOTE: This app is my best friend. I’ve spent numerous years doodling in 100’s of composition notebooks scattered about my room until I found my guiding light. This app has singlehandedly increased my productivity output tenfold. My notes are easily accessible across my platforms and I can share things with the team like upcoming line releases and show schedules or I can keep it safe to myself like top secret tour plans. I can send uniform show offers off during my morning routine and keep my personal motivation quotes handy when I need a pick me up with my afternoon espresso con panna. The folder system that Evernote employs keeps even my swamped mind carefully categorized so that even on sick days, I’m always on top of my game. It’s the perfect companion to my busy boss lifestyle. If you don’t use this app, stop debating and snag it just in time to create a list of your NYE dream kisses.

OVERSIZED SWEATERS:San Diego is legitimately paradise. I couldn’t tell you what a real fall or winter season felt like because it’s 78 degrees and sunny with a light breeze most of the time. Native Californians are only made aware that isn’t summer anymore when the rainclouds come for a light shower and night temperatures drop to a degree that requires extra blankets plus something to take the edge off. I welcome the change in temperature though because your girl loves oversized sweaters. They are the perfect staple when I’m running an evening show. From settlements in air conditioned venues to showing bands the Pacific Ocean at 4am to late nights at In N Out- my sweaters keep me cute, functional, and cozy. Forever thankful for the striped and earthy toned ones every season.

Those are the 4 things I’m thanking my lucky stars for having as we move further into holiday season. I may change latte flavorings, my hair color, and my preference for sweaters but- I can’t change the fact that these 4 things help me stay sane on the craziest of days. Happiness is only one semi permanent bottle or a H&M giftcard away.

To see my oversized sweaters with my latte-filled hands in action, venture down to one of our many shows! Kiss the Concrete is helping keep the San Diego scene alive and we love to have new faces come out!


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