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Unwed Teenage Mothers


Oxford, MS punk outfit, Unwed Teenage Mothers, are a hidden gem among their genre, mixing emo stylings with pop-punk riffs. The band has released two 7,” their LP, Blonde Girls, and will be dropping their newest record, Whose Girl Are You, on Jan. 13.

Current Single:
“Nothing Will Ever Get Any Better”

Current Members:
Colin Sneed // Guitar & Vox

Landon Boyte // Guitar

Johnny Valiant // Bass

Shane Prewitt // Drums

How did you form?

The band started off as a solo bedroom thing, then a two-piece covering Mudhoney & Butthole Surfers songs at parties, then turned into an actual full band. Johnny was a pal in Oxford, Shane & Landon had just moved up from Jackson. We all got on well pretty quickly.

What has been the highlight of your career so far?

Probably hanging out in the van in Mobile, AL last February making fun of people walking by. Either that or drinking in the park in Charlotte. We’re easy to please.

Why should people listen to you? What makes you different?

I think the songs are pretty varied and relatable. If you like rock n’ roll music we’ve got songs for you. If you’re into wallowing we’ve got you covered. Wanna kill 40 seconds with a quick punk song? We’ve got it. Wanna hear some organ. It’s on there.

Keep up with Unwed Teenage Mothers  on social media!

Website // Facebook // Twitter // BandCamp


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