An indie pop, punk music blog radiating positivity and individuality

Jordan JAE


Jordan JAE was recently featured as one of our Highlighted Artists, and for good reasons. She’s young and filled with passion for writing music like any other aspiring songwriter, but her tunes are as catchy as Taylor Swift and Avril Lavigne. Because she’s starting to get recognition, we thought a more detailed and fun interview would be a great way for you to find out more about her before anyone else! Take a look below!

You released your debut single “Said No One Ever” earlier this month; is this song a good representation of what we can look forward to as your career progresses and what your sound will be like?
Definitely. “Said No One Ever” is really a taste of what my music sounds like. It is very pop and almost all of it is easy to dance to. Well, I like to dance when it’s playing! You can be looking forward to more songs like “Said No One Ever” in the future.

You also released a video for “Said No One Ever” which already has over 10,000 views on YouTube. Did you expect to get this much favorable attention from your first single?
Um, NO! A few of my earlier videos had gotten hits but because this was a song I had written, knowing that so many people were listening to it was just unbelievable.

I’m sure some people will be surprised to find that you’re only 14; has it been difficult being young and being in the music industry?
It’s funny, because once people see I am serious about songwriting and recording they realize my age doesn’t matter.  I’ve been lucky so far to work with professionals who take me for who I am and what I can bring, and also teach me.

Has it been hard balancing things like school along with your music career?
It has been hard to balance my music career with my schoolwork but somehow there always manages to be enough time in the day to get everything done. School is clearly really important at my age, and I work hard to keep my grades high so that I don’t have to stop my music!

You’ve said that you started singing and playing piano at a young age. Was taking these hobbies to the next level something that you always knew you wanted to do?
Ever since I can remember I have wanted to be a singer or something musically related in my life. My parents encouraged me when I was younger that learning an instrument would help me with my singing; the piano not only helped develop my singing but that is when I really began songwriting. I began performing mini concerts for my family that is when I realized this is what I want to do for the rest of my life.

You’ve done a few covers including The Beatles’ “I Wanna Hold Your Handand Imagine Dragons’ “It’s Time”; how do you decide which songs you want to cover? Do you have any more upcoming covers or are you focusing on your own music for now?
I choose which cover songs I do based on if I connect to it. I can’t cover a song I don’t feel in some way attached to the lyrics. It is great to be able to connect to other artists through the songs they write. It makes me feel apart of something amazing that they have created. I am still doing covers and you should definitely be expecting some coming soon. I am also working on a bunch of my own original songs as well.

You’ve done some of your writing and recording with SlumboLabs in Brooklyn; how did that relationship come about?
Jake Ottmann, the founder of SlumboLabs, suggested that I come down to write and record. We clicked and he has been helping to guide me and develop me as an artist. The artists that I have connected with at SlumboLabs are so talented and we have had some amazing sessions. It is a very homey and familiar environment. I love it there and over time is has become somewhat of a second home. 

What are some of your current favorite artists?
Some of my favorite current artists would definitely be Avicii, Ellie Goulding, Miley Cyrus, Avril Lavigne, and Rihanna.

What would you say has been the most difficult part of your career for you all personally and collectively?
For me, the most difficult thing I have overcome has also been the blessing: I broke my knee and dislocated my kneecap last year. I couldn’t go to school for 6 weeks due to all the physical therapy that I had daily to make a full recovery. I was able to continue singing and song writing. I was very lucky that during this difficult time I was still able to pursue my passion and dreams. This is when I had time, away from school, away from my friends to say, “I want to do this!” Instead of getting down on myself for what I was missing, I focused on what I could do, my music.

How did you, or do you continue to, overcome these struggles?
I overcame these struggles by writing about it. I wrote as many songs as I could and really stayed focused on my work.

What is the ‘highlight’ of your career so far?
Well, so far, it has got to be when my original single “Said No One Ever” was released and people got to hear MY music for the first time. It is amazing to see that the music I wrote and love is enjoyed and listened to by so many different people.

What is the one dream the moment at which point either personally or collectively you would be able to say yes I’ve achieved this, I’m living my dreams?
The one moment that would let me know that I am living my dream would be if I ever got to perform at Madison Square Garden. I have lived my whole life in New York City and have seen some of my favorite performers on that stage. I would know that all the thousands of people in that arena liked my music. I know that this is a big dream but I have always liked to dream big!


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