An indie pop, punk music blog radiating positivity and individuality

Jordan JAE


Jordan JAE is only 14. Do you remember what you were doing when you were 14? Probably not recording the catchiest of pop songs. JAE has the talent, spunk, and that glisten that pulls you in. If you love the produced pop music then JAE will be your new obsession without a doubt. Check out her current single “Said No One Ever” and find out her story below.

Current Single
Said No One Ever

How did you get your start in music?
I have been singing and songwriting since I was little and my Dad played ice hockey with Jake Ottmann, who is in A&R at Warner Chappell.  My Dad told Jake I was a singer/songwriter and he was willing to listen to what I was doing. I am so grateful that he liked what he heard! He has been helping to develop and guide me ever since.

What has been the highlight of your career so far?
The highlight of my career so far has got to be getting to work with Grammy nominated artists Kinetics and OneLove who I wrote my first single with. They’re really cool guys and fun to work with.

Why should people listen to you? What makes you different?
I’m trying to address current teenage issues through my lyrics. My single “Said No One Ever” is about girls taking back their power in a break-up situation.

Keep up with Jordan JAE through her social networks!
Website // Soundcloud // Twitter // Youtube // Tumblr // Instagram // Facebook


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