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Mount The Comeback


Mount the Comeback is a brand designed for dreamers. Nathan Monseu founded the company in 2012, and has been partnering with the music industry since. This Nashville based lifestyle brand is bringing fresh designs, and they don’t intend to stop anytime soon.

What is Mount the Comeback’s story?
Before this company became what it is today, it was always a creative project I had on the side. I would go back to it whenever I was feeling lost in the world. I needed something that I could attach myself to. Something that I could invest my time in and see that invested time result in something I was proud of. By seeing those results, I would gain a little bit of self-confidence. I struggled with choosing a name for the company. I was always trying to think of something catchy, or that I could imagine people saying in a commercial on TV. When I sat back and really thought about what this company meant to me, that’s when “Mount the Comeback” came to mind. Whenever I go back to work on the company, I am really looking to mount my own comeback in the world. I feel lost and behind, and by creating something, in this case the company, I am mounting my “comeback.” Mounting something that makes me feel like I can accomplish anything I set my mind to.

What do you feel your brand represents?
This brand represents a message that I would like to spread. When you feel lost or behind in this world, wake up every day with a goal to accomplish something. That something may be a part of a larger plan, it may not be. Either way, you’re mounting your own comeback, and you’re preparing yourself to take this world by storm.

Why did you start the brand?
I wanted to create something that I could feel proud of. I wanted to be proud of what I accomplished and myself. Over the years it’s transformed into something that I want to keep running so that the clothes that I make can reach others, and help spread the message I want to spread.

Can you give us three of your personal favorite designs?

My first favorite design is the “People Need To Be More” design. That shirt was designed the way it was so that people could buy the shirt, and then fill in the last line themselves. I’ve seen people physically write the last word on with a marker, but I’ve also met people who will just tell other’s what the last word is. Either way works, because with this shirt I want to make it so that people could really feel like they are a part of this clothing line.

My second favorite design is the one on the “Heart and Keys” tank top. This is a favorite because I really like the aspect of the heart with a key whole in it, and they keys to go along with it. It’s this clothing brand’s take on the traditional skull and crossbones.

My third favorite design is the one on the “Pocket Keys” t-shirt. This is a very simple design that leaves the shirt looking clean. It’s something that someone can wear anywhere and feel comfortable in.


Why should people check out your brand?
I want this brand to be someplace that people can call home. I want them to find a family in me, and in the people who wear and represent this brand. I want people to share their stories of what comeback they are mounting. Everyone, including me, feels lost at times. So if you’re feeling lost, or just looking for something to be a part of, check us out. We’ll welcome you with open arms.

Check out Mount the Comback’s clothes on their website and keep up to date with the company by giving them a follow on their socials!
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