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The Chain Gang of 1974 – Daydream Forever


The Chain Gang of 1974 – Daydream Forever
Words by Theresa Pham 

Kamtin Mohanger, the mastermind behind The Chain Gang of 1974, has done it again. Daydream Forever is the perfect combination of 80’s synth pop and modern day EDM. Mohanger’s music is strange, but absolute ear candy when you need to zone out. The layers upon layers of catchy hooks is utterly addicting and makes for a very productive soundtrack.. The album begins with “Ordinary Fools,” one of my favorites from the album. “Ordinary Fools” sets the foundation and  the stage for Mohanger’s intricate adventure he brings you on. I promise that by the end of “Ordinary Fools,” the song will have you on your yelling “Hey, leave your records on!” at the top of your lungs.

A couple tracks after “Ordinary Fools” is a very familiar tune if you are into video games and have played Grand Theft Auto V. “Sleepwalking” is the anthem of the game and as my second favorite song off the album, brings up an interesting idea in his hook. Maybe we ARE just sleepwalking. Hmmm… Food for thought. That line in combination with the upbeat tempo was an instant favorite.

The other song you should listen to is “Miko.” Though I am not terribly old, the song makes me nostalgic. It reminds me of the good ole long nights full of reckless shenanigans with friends. If a fun indie Sundance movie was made about my life, this would be the perfect song to play during a hazy flashback of a crazy night wandering around with friends looking for a troublesome adventure.

Each of his songs has a very distinct style and feel, but the whole album blurs together once you past the halfway mark. This factor makes the album extremely frustrating to enjoy as a whole. If taken one song at a time, the music is impressive and mind-blowing. Yes, Mohanger has created his own genre of music that is magical, but what does it imply if all the songs cannot be distinguished from one another when played in a row?

The other aspect of Mohanger’s music that I do not quite enjoy is the fuzzy texture of his vocal parts. I adore the obscure and extremely philosophical aspect to his lyrics, but half the time, have no idea what he is saying.

The album closes with two fantastic remixes of his songs. The remixes provide a fresh take on his already interesting tunes, but highlight the various interpretations one can have. For example, the original version of “Sleepwalking” is contradictory and lively though the lyrics speak of desperation. The Dawn Golden remix is much slower, smoother and less energetic, yet flows beautifully like the original version earlier in the album.

As a whole Daydream Forever is artistically great, but there are major flaws that I personally cannot get over. I appreciate and have great respect for the album, but am torn. It is an easy listen and worth checking out.

Overall Rating: 3.5/5
Recommended Tracks: “Ordinary Fool,” “Sleepwalking” and “Miko”
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