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Five Albums That Will Warm Your Holiday Hearts


Five Albums That Will Warm Your Holiday Hearts
Words and Picks by Steven Smith

As we turned our calendars to November and began our strolls through the jam packed malls, the good, the bad, and the ugly of Christmas songs began to echo through the halls of the stores.  And while some of us will probably never know what a figgy pudding is, these holiday records do more than just tickle our ear drums.  This week, we’re bringing you the five records that will warm your holiday hearts.

Merry Christmas – Bing Crosby
Face it, no matter how much you don’t want to admit to liking a Bing Crosby song, “White Christmas” is secretly one of your favorites.  Well, at least for me it is.  The release that dates all the way back to 1945 still tops the list of many holiday song lovers, young and old.  Bing’s sensational harmonies combined with his smooth melodies, make this record a definite winner. “White Christmas” may be the song everyone remembers from that album, but “Silver Bells” and “I’ll Be Home for Christmas” are two must listens for sure.

Christmas Eve and Other Stories – Trans Siberian Orchestra
To nobody’s surprise, we had to TSO on the least.  This record is so well known because their famous piece called “Christmas Eve/ Sarajevo” better known as “Carol of the Bells.”  However, this record is so much fun because of the diversity of songs that they cover.  Any old holiday album, you hear the same six or sevens songs over and over.  With this record, TSO pulls out all the stops and covers some of those songs you forgot even existed, making this record a shoo-in on this weeks picks.

Noel – Josh Groban
Arguably the most recent popular holiday record, “Noel” put Groban on the map.  His pipes are perfect for the holiday season.  Chances are you probably have heard him before but just didn’t realize it.  With legendary classics like “The First Noel” and “Silent Night”, you’ll definitely want to give this one a listen.

Home For Christmas – ‘N Sync
Go ahead and judge me.  Yes, I’m a dude and yes, I put ‘N Sync on my list.  But, if you grew up in the 90’s like me, than you completely understand why they’re a pick.  This record was a hit the holiday season that it came out and every single  kid had to have it.  This was one of the few records that made millions that included more than just holiday covers.  The five piece did an excellent job constructed some cheery originals that will bring a smile to your face.

Sleddin’ Hill – August Burns Red
You didn’t actually think I was going to close out this weeks picks without showing the metal heads some love, did you?  Well trust me, it’s in good reasoning.  This is probably the best constructed holiday album out there, musically.  Having already released their famous rendition of “Carol of the Bells” a few years earlier, ABR took it to the next level and wrote a full blown record.  This one will have the sugar plums dancing through your head with your hearts pacing.  Be aware though, some headbanging may occur.

Merry Christmas Everyone! Highlight Loves you!


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