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Kings Of Leon – Mechanical Bull


Kings Of Leon – Mechanical Bull
Review By Steven Smith

After an on-stage meltdown in 2011, many thought Kings Of Leon was just about done.  However, when the summer of 2013 strolled along, the band released a brand new song, “Supersoaker” and also announced the release date for their 6th studio album, Mechanical Bull.  The Tennessee five piece released the new record this past Tuesday.  Having already released two tracks from the album over the summer, it was interesting to see what else these gentlemen were going to bring to the table. Regardless, we were excited to listen, and you should be also.

Getting attached to these songs came naturally.  Swift and groovy bass lines were the perfect compliment to the psychedelic guitar solos that filled the first half of the record.  The record takes a nice rest on the second half with some slower-paced melodies that are guaranteed to soothe your soul.  Lyrically, it’s a typical Kings Of Leon record.  Caleb sings the blues about drugs, sex and rock n’ roll.  Although, when you get caught up in the melodies and rhythm, sometimes the lyrics don’t matter.

There were two songs that really stood out besides “Supersoaker.”  Track two, “Rock City”, brings classic energy with old school grit and a new school punch.  It’ll have you moving from start to finish.  Track four, “Beautiful War”, is calmer, but a great tune.  The comparison of love and war gives this song a cool concept.  This is a jam that will leave you with your eyes closed and your head swaying.

The structure of this record was very well put together. They start things fast, and then slow it down.  They bring some funk, and then bring back good old fashioned rock n’ roll.  It’s got something for everyone.  Fans of  Come Around Sundown will appreciate this record the most.  There are some similarities between the two.  Nonetheless, they do bring a nice change of pace with this record.  It’s not their best record, but it’s easily one of the better albums they’ve released.  Be sure to snag your copy real soon.

Overall Rating: 4/5
Recommended Tracks: “Rock City” and “Beautiful War”
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