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Best Ex release ‘Good At Feeling Bad’ EP


NYC-based band Best Ex have released their new Good At Feeling Bad EP today via No Sleep Records. This new EP follows up the band’s 2017 EP Ice Cream Anti-Social. On Good At Feeling Bad, Mariel Loveland shares:

“I love this EP. I think it captures the full spectrum of the loneliness and isolation I was feeling at the time I wrote it. My disillusionment with certain friendships and relationships… my disillusionment with our culture of social media and celebrity… my disillusionment with genuine, unconditional love. To me, this EP is a middle finger from a woman who’s over it and finds happiness regardless of the things that constantly try to knock us down.”

The EP is available to stream below and head here to read Highlight’s recent interview with Loveland about the Good At Feeling Bad EP.

Photo credit: Natalie Sparaccio


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