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Calling All Captains debut “Out of My Head” music video


In honor of the one year anniversary of their album, Nothing Grows Here, Calling All Captains have released a music video for “Out of My Head.” Head here to purchase the album.

It’s been 1 year since our Equal Vision Debut EP “Nothing Grows Here” has been out. We’ve accomplished so much in that short time. Seeing fan tattoos and people driving hundreds of miles to see us really set in stone what we’re capable of,” the band shares. “With massive support in our hometown and the Alberta Music Scene we were lucky to be asked to play for almost 10,000 people at a hometown week-long festival called K Days.
They continue: “‘Out Of My Head’ was a song we never considered making a video for, but after seeing the footage captured from this performance we knew we HAD to make one to celebrate the 1 year anniversary of Nothing Grows Here. This larger than life performance gave us such perspective at where we’re heading as a band and how far we still need to go.
Big thanks to Sam Reid & Justin Kueber at Guerrilla Motion Pictures for capturing this unforgettable experience.”


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