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PHOTO GALLERY: Claud, Jane Holiday and The Neighbourhood


Claud, Jane Holiday and The Neighbourhood

Van Buren // Phoenix, AZ // October 12th, 2019

Photos and review by Javi Perez

On October 12th, 2019, the Van Buren had a line of fans wrapped around, ready to see The Neighbourhood play their sold out show. The light, dreamy pop tunes of Claud opened up the show. Jane Holiday got the crowd dancing and jumping with his pop ballads.


Jane Holiday

The crowd was ready, chanting The Neighbourhood, so they would come on. Suddenly, a white star shaped light hit the black background and Jesse Rutherford came onstage with every inch of his body covered in silver. They opened with “Middle of Somewhere,” an acoustic solo song that extended long enough where Jesse could take the silver paint off his face for the rest of the show. The rest of the band came out in full 3m reflective suits to solidify the silver look of this tour. They played lots of songs from their previous record, Wiped Out, and newer songs like “Compass” and “Void.” This set had the perfect variation of songs from all their records so no matter what album is your favorite, you’ll be more than satisfied!

The Neighbourhood



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