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Bury Tomorrow share new single, “Let Go”


Bury Tomorrow have unveiled a new single called “Let Go,” which can be streamed below. The track appears on their forthcoming album, Will You Haunt Me, With That Same Patience, which is out May 16.

On the new song, frontman Dani Winter-Bates says: “To be dishonest with yourself leads to decisions based in fear and can lead to regret, while to be true to yourself can cost some of the things you hold closest.”

Co-vocalist Tom Prendergast also adds: “there is a sense throughout the song that we can often give all of our energy to a toxic situation and need to recognise when to cut ties to grow. Let go is about how that can shape you, change you and define your choices and your path through life – There is a cost to every choice, and there are some harder to let go of than others.”

1) To Dream, To Forget

2) Villain Arc

3) Wasteland

4) What If I Burn

5) Forever The Night

6) Waiting

7) Silence Isn’t Helping

8) Found No Throne

9) Yōkai

10) Let Go

11) Paradox


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