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Stand Atlantic and Polaris share new collab


Stand Atlantic and Polaris have teamed up on the new song called “CRIMINAL,” which can be streamed below. The song is featured on Stand Atlantic’s upcoming album WAS HERE, which arrives on August 23 via Hopeless Records. On “CRIMINAL,” vocalist Bonnie Fraser shares:

“Criminal’ is a small insight into how it can feel to be in this industry. It sometimes feels like you gotta keep your life a certain level of fucked up, so you can make art that comes from a real place. I found myself wanting to invite the pain in and sometimes go looking for it… just to create some cool shit that gets sold by people, who at times may not give a damn about how you got there.”

On collaborating with Polaris, Bonnie says:

“It felt so right to have Polaris on this track. Dan and I personally bonded over this exact topic on a night out, after the song was already written so it felt like fate. We have wanted to work together for so long, so having another Australian artist we absolutely love was a pure blessing and created a perfect storm.”


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