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Boston Manor announce new album, ‘Sundiver’


Boston Manor will release their new album, Sundiver, on September 6 via SharpTone Records. In celebration of the news, the band have released a new single called “Heat Me Up,” which can be streamed below.

Describing the new track, the band’s lead singer Henry Cox shared:

“‘Heat Me Up’ ended up being the first track we finished on the album. We’d gone down to Welwyn Garden City where we were going to record the album to write and do some pre-production.  It was actually our day off, it was a blistering hot day and we had nothing to do, so we had a barbecue in the garden and wrote a song. Sometimes tunes take months to write but this just flew right out in an afternoon. It’s a song about being utterly obsessed with someone and being grateful for what you have.”

On the new album, Cox has said:

“‘Sundiver’ is the culmination of two year’s work and four years of planning. Going into the pandemic we knew our next record would be a double album released in two parts, the first a short shadowy-noiry electronic record set over one night and the second a sprawling rock record that documents the following day. Both albums are products of their environments, we made Datura in the dead of winter in a windowless studio complex that mostly just produced techno, we’d enter before the sun rose and leave long after it set, basically never seeing sunlight.

“We made ‘Sundiver’ in Welwyn Garden City over two summers, we barbecued every day & would walk across the road to a meadow and just take naps in the sunshine when we weren’t recording. We’ve essentially been working on this album and building up to it since the pandemic. We were obsessed with trying to make a record that felt like blistering sunshine, or that wavy/hazy horizon you get when the pavement is super hot, but we didn’t want it to sound “happy” or “major key”. ‘Sundiver’ is by far Boston Manor’s best and most ambitious record to date, and we couldn’t be happier with it, I really hope our fans love it as much as we do.”


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