Tinashe / UNIIQU3
Terminal 5 // New York, NY // February 9, 2024
Photos & review by Addy Walter
New York City’s Terminal 5 was sold out and packed to the brim on Friday night, with hundreds squeezing their way into a good spot in anticipation of Tinashe’s BB/ANG3L tour.

Starting off the night was the Jersey club queen herself, UNIIQU3. Her high-energy, electric performance had everyone enthralled. She moved from all ends of the stage, singing, DJing, and amping the crowd up to get the night started. All while she danced, twerked, and vogued alongside her dancers. UNIIQU3’s presence on that stage made it clear she was born to perform and it’s safe to say she did not disappoint.
Shortly after UNIIQU3’s set ended, the countdown to Tinashe began. Literally, a 15-minute timer was projected onto the stage. The crowd shouted together, “10, 9, 8…” and surely enough, Tinashe appeared on top of a lit-up platform on stage that made her appear as if she was glowing to perform her first song of the night, “Treason.”

She played a solid 26-song set list that included hits from her BB/ANG3L album, as well as older hits like “2 On,” “Cold Sweat,” and “Story of Us.”
Tinashe is a performer everyone should make a point of seeing, as she’s an artist who exudes confidence and gives a stellar performance from the moment she steps foot on stage to the moment she leaves.