American Football have shared a collaborative at-home performance video for “Stay Home,” a song from their 1999 self-titled debut full-length album. The band is using their platform and this video to spread awareness of the importance of staying home during this COVID-19 pandemic. As the band’s Steve Lamos explains,
“We decided to a) celebrate staying home by b) staying home and c) re-recording ‘Stay Home.’ All tracks were single takes, spliced together through the magic of technology.”
“A lot of people (us included) have a natural tendency to stay home. And now, strangely, that’s the responsible way to be. We hope at the very least that our homemade and tech-lite video will serve as a distraction from anxiety-inducing news coverage and stress about the future. And at best, maybe it will remind you that your antisocial tendencies are justified. You’ve been making the right decision all along: stay home.”
– Together in isolation, American Football
American Football’s latest album, American Football (LP3), was released last year. Check out Highlight’s exclusive review of the album here.
Photo Credit: Atiba Jefferson