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One Ok Rock

The Roundhouse // London, England // 1o May, 2019

Photos and review by Rachael Dowd

London was treated to an unforgettable performance from Japanese rock band One Ok Rock earlier this month. Bringing their unique genre-bending sound to the historic Roundhouse in the heart of Camden Town, the fans that had lined up outside the venue hours before the show even began screamed in hysterics the moment One Ok Rock stormed the stage.

Opening up the whole night with “Push Back,” an infectiously punchy track off of their latest album, Eye of the Storm, fire shot up at the front of the stage as frontman Takahiro Moriuchi sang the lyrics, “your precious reputation goes up in flames.” The high-energy performance and memorable pyro that illuminated the entire venue during “Push Back” was only the beginning, One Ok Rock having a lot more in store during for their 16-song set list.

Playing a number of songs that covered much of their discography since forming in 2005, “We Are” is always a song fans look forward to hearing. Off of their 2017 album Ambitions, “We Are” is a passionately honest song that has become a fan-favorite within the fandom, the song preaching words of encouragement that speaks to all who have gone through a difficult time in their lives.

Of course, the musicianship of each member that makes up One Ok Rock has to be mentioned. Not only is the four-piece able to put on an entertaining performance from start to finish, but each of them are also masters of their craft, showcasing their musicianship in each song performed. From Moriuchi’s distinct vocals that show power and range to Toru Yamashita’s tight and mechanical guitar skills that drive a lot of One Ok Rock’s songs, it is clear that the near fifteen years they have been a band has helped them to become the best musicians they are capable of being.

Their musicianship was clearly shown during a small intermission mid-way through their performance in London. While Moriuchi worked to fix some problems he was having with his in-ear monitors, Yamashita, drummer Tomoya Kanki and bassist Ryota Kohama effortlessly broke out into some song covers to entertain the crowd, perfectly executing Franz Ferdinand and more, turning the Roundhouse into one big jam session.

Closing out their set with “Wasted Nights,” their most popular song to come off of Eye of the Storm, One Ok Rock managed to put on an electrifying and entertaining performance that left many fans who lined the barricade in tears once it all came to an end.

With a set list that showed their growth and range as a band, One Ok Rock is unlike anything else in rock music right now, incorporating their own interpretation and influences from other genres to create a sound all their own. With dedicated fanbases around the world and fifteen years of releasing music for us all to hear, we all should be paying attention to One Ok Rock.


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