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Show Review: Larkins @ London’s Hoxton Square Bar & Kitchen


Hoxton Square Bar & Kitchen // London, England // 10 April, 2019

As their first show in London in over a year, Manchester-based pop band Larkins returned to London Town with a sold out crowd at Hoxton Square’s Bar & Kitchen there to greet them. Unsigned and with only a handful of singles released since they formed a few years ago, Larkins has managed to attract a dedicated fanbase in the UK with their infectious pop anthems listeners can’t seem to get enough of.

Currently in the studio working on new music to be released later this year, Larkins brought some of those new tunes to their London set, teasing fans with what they can expect to hear from the band in the near future. “Pink & Blue”, an upbeat pop-centric track with a chorus you can’t help but dance to, has a guitar riff weaved throughout the chorus you can’t get out of your head, the song overall showcasing the strong vocal capabilities of vocalist Josh Noble and impeccable musicianship of guitarist Dom Want.

“Tale of Cassandra” was a performance fans in the crowd had clearly been waiting for, screams of excitement ringing through the venue the minute the song was introduced. With groovy guitar and bass lines that bring the song to life, it is the lyrics that really allow it to stand out. About a love that turned sour, Larkins let the fans take over the bridge, their voices echoing out the lyrics “when you go, don’t leave the light on”, a moment that showcased the passion and love fans have for the music Larkins puts out.

Their unreleased song “River Bed” showed a different side to the Mancunian band, Noble noting before it kicked off that it is a song that is very important to them. Tuning down the normal pop elements of catchy hooks and cheery beats, “River Bed” is a slower tune that has atmospheric melodies and poetically captivating lyrics at its forefront. With lyrics like “It hurts like hell / So I sink to the river bed and I lay my head down,” the song not only shows a more vulnerable side to Larkins, but the song itself is an explosion of melodic sounds that are chaotic at first, but manage to come together by the end in a heavenly climax. Beautifully written and composed, “River Bed” may just be the most mature sounding song they have created yet, each of the members bringing something to the song that shows their quality musicianship and ability to create vulnerable songs listeners can still dance to.

“TV Dream” was a moment in the set fans had been anticipating the most. Released earlier this year, “TV Dream” has helped Larkins skyrocket to new heights. As a timeless pop anthem that tackles real-life issues we deal with every day, it is a song that you simply cannot get out of your head once you’ve listened to it. It’s fun, it’s infectious and it was the moment during their London set where the energy in the room reached its peak. With fans screaming the words louder than any other performance, Noble shared that that performance was a moment they will never forget, thanking all in attendance for supporting them and their music.

Closing out their set with “Something Beautiful”, arguably their most popular song yet, the entire night ended on a high as the whole room grooved along to the song, Larkins letting the audience take control of the chorus as they screamed the words back to the band onstage.

Although they haven’t played many shows during their time as a band, their gig in London was proof enough that they are capable of being both a studio and live touring band. With a show that was well executed and tailored to exhibit each of the member’s strengths, they were able to bring each of their songs to life in a way that kept the energy and excitement in the room high for the entire night. It was fun, it was memorable and fans will be anxiously waiting for their next show in London, June 19th at Dingwalls, to come around just so they can relive the night all over again.


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