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ALBUM REVIEW: Parting Gift – “Ensom”


By Rachael Dowd

As one of the newest acts to emerge from the alt-rock genre, Manchester-based band Parting Gift are making their Fearless Records debut with Ensom, a 5-song EP that proves why they are a new band worth paying attention to.

“Pale” opens up the whole EP, a recently released track that showcases both the band’s musical ability as well as the vocal capabilities of vocalist Zac Vernon. As a haunting yet fast-paced track that features a strong guitar riff and head banging percussion, Vernon’s vocal is unlike anything in alt-rock right now, helping to separate the music Parting Gift creates from others in the genre. The vocal delivery is striking, passionate and captivating alongside the commanding instrumental on this track.

One thing that has allowed Parting Gift to grow so rapidly in popularity over the past year is that their sound and image are both clear and distinct, listeners being able to easily identify a Parting Gift song as soon as the music begins. They have never faltered or lost sight of their image or the music they want to create, “3:07 (Moonlight)” being a track that exemplifies this. Delivering a very ethereal sound with the echoing guitar notes and somber vocals, this track is different from the others on Ensom, but is still easily identifiable as a Parting Gift track. Missing the heavy-handed percussion that is usually weaved in their songs, “3:07 (Moonlight)” shows the vulnerability in Vernon’s voice, allowing their powerful songwriting to take the forefront with lyrics like “I need darkness to see / when I close my eyes all I see is death and in my dreams / do I make you smile? / will you stay with me a while?”

“Without Sin” is a dominant track on Ensom and one that truly encapsulates Parting Gift’s sound and influences. Falling in line with the EP’s themes of dark dreams, visions and delusions, this song may not be as hard-hitting as “Pale”, but the haunting echos of the guitar mixed with the distorted vocals show the band’s ability to take their songwriting influences and translate it greatly into the music they produce, the EP’s central themes being distinct and clear in all aspects of this EP.

“Cold” offers a great transitional moment in the EP, standing as more of an interlude than full song. Opening up with the distorted vocals from Vernon, the simple yet taunting percussion beats help to build the song up in suspense before ending in a calm and dreamlike matter, giving the listener a moment of relief before the EP’s title track kicks in.

Similar to “Pale”, “Ensom” is another hard-hitting track that will definitely be one to watch during Parting Gift’s live sets. The juxtaposition of Vernon’s forceful yet airy vocals and the strong blend of electric guitar and percussion create a unique listening experience, offering that gritty rock sound listeners are looking for while introducing a vocal arrangement they have never heard before.

Overall, Ensom is an impressive EP debut from Parting Gift, giving alt-rock fans a new listening experience unlike anything else in the genre. With compelling lyrics and the ability to construct and perfectly execute difficult concepts in their music, Parting Gift’s a force to be reckoned with in alt-rock music, Ensom leaving every listener wanting more.


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