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New Rules Coming To Warped Tour 2016: “No Kids”


Kevin Lyman revealed in a new interview that he will be implementing some new rules for next year’s Vans Warped Tour. One of them involves the absence of “kids” under the age of 21 to participate in the tour. A quote from Lyman is below.

Next year we’re going to have no kids on this tour. It’s going to be really tough if you want to be on this tour and are 21 and under. Whether it’s the artist, crew… anyone.

Here is a full excerpt.

I’m already working on Warped Tour for next year,” Lyman says. “And you know what? There are things that need to be fixed. [The community] needs to fix what due process is, what judicial systems are, and [we]have to stop putting false information on the internet,” said Lyman. “Slow down the social media blur. None of you are retaining. People can’t retain the name of a band and the song they play. Brains have turned into a spaghetti sieve, as I like to say, shit just flows through them all of the time. Nothing’s sticking, except for a little bit of crust off of the sides. We’re going to have to slow down technology. We have to slow it down, so it means something.

Read the full interview via The Stranger.


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