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No Sleep Records Signs Singer-Songwriter Koji


Independent label No Sleep Records has signed singer-songwriter Koji. Following his UK tour, the artist will return to the U.S. to finish a new record due out later this year.

“We have been long time fans/friends of Koji – he is literally one of the nicest and sincerest guys you will ever meet,” says No Sleep president Chris Hansen. “Having released two Split’s with him (one with La Dispute and one with Into It. Over It.) we are super excited to further the relationship and help Koji move to the next levels in his career.”

“In my life, I’ve been deeply humbled by the sense of agency and humanity that creating music has given me,” Koji adds. “I’m honored to be working with the team at No Sleep who understand the empowering effect of music and community and who believe in my vision for both creative work and positive social action.”


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