Pittsburgh’s Donora, is a tight knit group, but it wasn’t always that way considering when the drummer met the singer, he cried because she was a girl (Spoiler alert, they’re siblings). The pop-rock group has been together since 2006 and since then has run full speed ahead. Recently, the band released their newest record, Ha Ha Heart, this winter, and it creates a sound unique to themselves.
Casey Hanner // Vocals, Guitar
Jake Churton // Bass
Jake Hanner // Drums, Vocals
Current Single: “Take My Heart”
How did you form?
Well Jake and I (Casey) are brother and sister. And like our bio says, Jake H really did cry when he found out I was a girl! But eighteen years later he got over it and we decided to form a band. We were both playing music, but not together. It was our dad’s suggestion that we try playing together. Once we realized we had a solid thing going, we added our bass player, Jake C. Actually, we stole him from another band, but that’s a whole other story!
What has been the highlight of your career so far?
I got to hear our song “The Chorus” play in a movie (Abduction) in the theater. And then I got to see our name in the credits. That was pretty cool and also a little weird! If you’d ask my brother that questions, he would say that having an ad agency rip off one of our songs for a commercial has been his highlight! haha I guess you can consider yourself to have “made it” when an ad agency starts to copy your music!
Why should people listen to you? What makes you different?
We’re a band that is trying to make pop music. And we think there aren’t enough of those. We really want to put happy music out into the world and we want to be ourselves. We also really want to make you have a one person dance party in your bedroom.
Keep up with Donora on social media!