Beartooth recently finished up on the Unconditional Tour. If you had been following our Twitter account during the tour you might have noticed that the band tweeted a picture and caption on our account almost every day of tour! The pictures had us intrigued about how they really thought the tour went. Check out the interview below where we got the chance to talk to Tyler Lumley (guitar) about how they thought the Unconditional Tour went!
If you could describe The Unconditional Tour in a sentence that sums up the experience, what would it be?
Had you toured with any of the other bands before?
Yeah, we’ve actually toured with all of the other bands on the tour in some facet before. Hands Like Houses and The Word Alive are actually good friends of ours.
Each tour is different. Do you find yourself still learning on each: about each other, about how to spend off days, about how to deal with people and fans? Etc.
I think this tour really taught us how to find silver linings with our troubles. We had a lot of bad luck on this tour, but we always managed to not let it stress us out and we were able to fix problems quickly.
If you could only take back one memory from this tour, what would it be?
Ooh, that’s tough. Probably, the entire show in Atlanta.
What was the hardest part about this tour?
All of the bands had a lot of bad luck in terms of equipment getting broken and transportation issues, but nothing catastrophic. Other than the minor setbacks, this tour was really easy going.
Is there anything you wish you had done differently?
Not in the least bit, haha.
What was the best part about the tour.
The amount of bands that were already friends. We all just felt at home and comfortable with each other right off the bat.
Now, Beartooth did a “Picture-A-Day” via our Twitter account where you tweeted a picture almost every day of tour, so we have a few questions about some of them…
You described Seattle as “chaos.” What made Seattle more intense and chaotic than other cities?
It was a smaller venue that was sold out, with no barricade. It wasn’t the craziest show of the tour, but it was definitely “our” type of show.
You took a picture of Oshie’s x-ray… What happened?!
He jumped into the crowd during the 2nd to last song of our set at the Crofoot in Detroit. He landed awkwardly and dislocated his shoulder, but after a few days of rest, he was right back at it again.
In Philly, it looks like you got a flat tire while it was snowing. Was this the first flat tire you’ve ever gotten? Or was it something else?
Actually, our trailer got hit by a box truck. It demolished the fender and messed up the back tire but luckily the driver was really cool and gave us his insurance info and paid for a spare tire for us. Nothin’ too crazy. But no, it wasn’t our first flat tire, either haha.