An indie pop, punk music blog radiating positivity and individuality


SYKES from London, England has an original sound that the world needs to know about. This female fronted band carries a sound of the likes of Tegan & Sara with a touch of something special. It’s one of those things you can almost touch but can’t grasp. Morale of this story, check out the band’s story below as well as their current single and we promise you will have yourself some new favorite music you will be hooked on!



Julia – Vocals // Acoustic guitar
Kristian – Bass // Electric guitar
Dre – Keys
Will – Drums


How did you form?
Julia:  “Kris and I met 5 years ago at university in the UK and we started writing together pretty much straight away.  We played loads of open mics and had several different SYKES line ups before moving down to London to play more shows.”
Kris: “We found our perfect line up with Will and Dre two years ago when we moved.  We both knew Will from university and I went to school with Dre so we gelled immediately.”


What has been the highlight of your career so far?
Will: “A highlight for me was playing to 500 people and a dinosaur at the Natural History Museum in London.”


Why should people listen to you? What makes your band different?
Julia: “We are a diverse group of people with very different influences, coming together through our love of great music to create songs that we love to listen to and love playing live.  So if other people like it as well then that’s a plus.”


Keep up with SYKES on their social media!
Website // Facebook


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