Last year, we had the honor of attending Riot Fest Chicago, and we knew then that it was a special festival. With this year’s lineup including Fall Out Boy, Brand New, Pierce The Veil, Rancid, and most recently announced The Replacements, we knew we wanted to be a part of it along with one of our lucky readers. With that being said, read below to see how (1) lucky Highlight reader can win a pair of tickets to attend the festival from September 13-15th! For more information on the festival, check out
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7. The contest will end on June 30th, at 12 am CST. The widget will generate a winner, and we will contact the winner within 24 hours.
Honestly, I can’t make up my mind if I’m more excited for AFI or Rancid. They both hold so many good memories within their music and I feel in love with both of them around the same time in middle school. AFI was when I realized they were more than just “that band that made Miss Murder” I went on a journey discovering their older, harder stuff and I LOVED the December Underground album. Rancid is one of those bands that bonded me and all my friends closer especially the song Roots Radical!
Definitely would be most excited to see AFI…no questions there!
I would definitely be most excited to see Fall Out Boy! I’ve loved them since I was 11 and can’t even describe how much I’ve missed them since the hiatus!
ahhh i am so excited to see all of these bands!
I’d be so excited to see all of these bands!! I’d love love LOVE to see Blink, though, because I’ve got the live CD and have never ever seen them live and would love to get the chance to!
I am definitely excited to see AFI
I would, without a doubt, be most excited to see Brand New. They are my all time favorite band, and I have yet to see them live. Jesse Lacey, the band’s lead singer, is very elusive and shy at times, and the band doesn’t tour as often as most for this reason. I would give absolutely anything to seem them live. I have every song they’ve from every album they’ve ever released, as well as the unreleased demos from the Fight Off Your Demons album, that was unfortunately leaked onto the internet, leading Brand New to rewrite the album into The Devil and God Are Raging Inside Me, an album which many people (including myself) believe to be the greatest album of the last decade. It is still uncertain whether they will ever release another album, as it has been 4 years since Daisy, so I hope to see them live to help fill the void.
So stoked to see Fall Out Boy and All Time Low, but also the Dear Hunter too, they are very awesome performers.
I’d love to see Fall Out Boy! I’ve been wanting to see them since they reunited in February.
After having an awful experience earlier this year when all of the tickets for their return tour in Chicago were bought out by ticket brokers within 5 minutes. I am really looking forward to getting a second chance at seeing the band that I grew up listening to: Fall Out Boy.
This lineup is insane. Can’t wait to see Br& New!!
Brand New yo.
I’m most excited to see Fall Out Boy, they’ve always been my favorite band. I once heard their song “Thnks fr the mmrs” on the radio, and this single handedly got me into rock music! I can’t thank them enough for everything they’ve done for me, so it’d be amazing to see them headline Riot Fest.
I’m also excited for Taking Back Sunday, All Time Low, Reggie And The Full Effect….basically most of the lineup!
I want to see Sublime with Rome!!!!
I’m stoked!!
fall out boy is always great to see!
Public Enemy of course
I’m most excited to see Rancid.
I really want to see Reggie and the Full Effect
So excited to see brand new i love them so much !
Violent Femmes!
Artist I’m most excited about seeing would have to be Blink-182. Though, I am dying to see about half the bands on this roster in general.
I’m stoked for Brand New!
I’m super stoked to see blink 182 and brand new!!!! The lineup is BANANAS, I want these tickets so bad!
The Replacements hands down. A defining band for me and “Let It Be” is my top 5 favorite albums ever. So excited, can’t wait to see them
So totally excited to see Brand New!!!!
rocket from the crypt
Hmmmm…FOB…..Blink…..FOB……Blink….so hard to choose.Gonna go with FOB!!!!
Brand New, OMG. <3
Violent Femmes and empires are the two bands on this list i’ve wanted to see and haven’t had a chance to yet!
definitely most excited to see Rancid! haven’t seem them play in years.
The Replacements!
I can’t decide if I’m more excited to see Blink 182, Fall Out Boy, Pierce the Veil, or All Time Low because they’re all such incredible bands.
Brand New!
Brand New and Best Coast!
I’m most excited to see BRAND NEW!!!
I’ve been dreaming of this day.
I have always wanted to see Blink 182 live. I lost out on the chance last year when they had a show nearby featuring MCR and Matt and Kim for the openers. I fear that if by random chance I come across some extra money or extra tickets I will miss them again. Wish me luck.
Pierce The Veil, Rancid, Violent Femmes, Fall Out Boy, Brand New, Blink… probably PTV if I had to pick one.
How could I possibly choose? The lineup is killer. Masked Intruder, Glassjaw, Rocket from the Crypt, Bad Religion, Taking Back Sunday, Against Me!, Surfer Blood, Mephiskapheles, Reggie and the Full Effect, Bad Books, Flatfoot 56, THE REPLACEMENTS?!
I already have my ticket to Riot Fest Chicago, but I would love to bring along my more financially sensible friends.
I’m most excited to see Fall Out Boy, Blink-182, Brand New, Say Anything, Pierce the Veil, and Bad Religion. Like, I would give my first born child to win this. The lineup has so many of my favorites.
Most looking forward to seeing Flag & Motörhead. Never saw BF in person, and haven’t seen Motörhead since the 80s! I’m old.
BLINK 182!!!
I’m most excited to see All Time Low & Pierce The Veil. Those two bands pulled me out of a really bad time in my life and I can’t ever repay them for how much they’ve helped me. They’re my favorite bands ever!
Im definitely most excited to see Blondie. Debbie Harry is still a major crush of mine and her influence on rock and roll is still felt today. And Videodrome. Always Videodrome.
I’m most excited to see Fall Out Boy! My mom got me into them back in ’03 when she was really into the scene. I was seven then, and I’ve basically grown up with their music. For all the differences and disagreements between my mother and I , Fall Out Boy always has been and always will be the one thing we can both agree on and bond over. It would be killer to spend the weekend with her seeing our favorite band 10 years after we both started listening to them.
I’m most excited to see All Time Low! There are so many bands playing that I love but ATL is my favourite band.
Here’s hoping for a win to attend THE summer concert festival of the summer!! #RiotFest
I’m bad at choosing favorites but it has to be Brand New. They’ve been on a list of bands I wanted to see for forever but never thought I’d get the chance.
violent femmes – haven’t seen them since ’96
Blink 182 and Yellowcard! Last year was so fun and I would LOVE to be able to go again!
against me!
I’d love to go out and support Laura. I think she’s so brave, talented, and amazing.
Riot Festival seems so far away, yet it is approaching us rather quickly, and I am trying to make plans to go. Going to riot festival will be one of those top-memories I will have in my life. Traveling so far to see my favorite band, AFI, and the amazing line-up this festival has to offer will be monumental in my life! AFI has not toured in about three years, so it’s been a while for me! I would love to take my brother to this festival, because he has never been to a festival before, and what better than RIOT FEST CHICAGO!!! \m/
High school me freaked the fuck out when I heard Yellowcard would be at Riot Fest. This is whole festival is bringing me back to middle school/high school and I’m so stoked!
Ahh! I really NEED to go! A lot of my favorite bands are playing!
I was there when The Replacements broke up on stage at the Taste of Chicago back in 1991. I really would like to see them complete a show this time around
I’m most excited to see Fall Out Boy. Fall Out Boy is a band that has stuck by me. Regardless of how long the hiatus was, they were always the band that I turned to when I was having a rough time Ever since the Split EP, I’ve bought their music and kept in the know about their endeavors. They got me through the dreaded years of middle school and high school. It’s so awesome to see how they’ve evolved now that I’m in college.
I am most excited to see AFI. I fell in love with them in middle school and in high school I began an AFI fan site that became an official site that the band works with. To say they saved my life is an understatement. To see my four favorite guys in the world play their first show in three years would be amazing.
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I am so excited to see Blink 182! I have never seen them live before and they are one of my favorite bands. I hear they’ll be playing on September 14th, which is my birthday! So I’d love to see them along with more of my favorites! Such a great lineup this year.
It is a toss up between AFI and Brand New for me!
The lineup is too incredible to pick a single band to talk about! But if I had to pick one it’d be Brand New due to the fact that they’re one of my favorite bands and I haven’t had the chance to see them yet.
It’s an all-star lineup, plain and simple. Like, every band I’ve ever wanted to see live.
I’d love to see AFI. They’ve been one of my favorite bands for years and I’m so excited that they’re back.
Sooooo excited for all the bands but mostly Blink 182!!
Most excited to see AFI…but seeing Blondie would be pretty cool too!
I have been dreaming of seeing the Violent Femmes since I was 8 years old, ohhh my god, and to see Public Enemy?! I could die happy. Oh, and all my childhood fantasies would come true seeing blink 182. Honestly, so many. Pick me!
There are so many wicked cool artists on the Chicago lineup this year!! I don’t know who I’m most excited to see…really excited for Reggie and The Full Effect!! I’m also excited for Glassjaw, Bad Brains, Against Me!, Brand New, The Replacements, Flag, Blondie, Fall Out Boy…so many cool sounds this year!!
Most stoked to see Fall Out Boy, blink-182, AFI, Taking Back Sunday, and Reggie and the Full Effect
fall out boy!!
I dearly want to see AFI , the Violent Femmes, and The Replacements….I hope I win because this is the only way it’s gonna happen….not much $$$ with unexpected bills lately.
I’m most excited to see AFI!
I would love to see Fall Out Boy live because they’re my favourite people in the world and their music gets me through so much
I want to see Maps and Atlases so bad!
I’m most excited for AFI. being a dedicated fan for about 10 years, their show gives me inspiration and energy to keep doing what i love to do. when i listen to them or see them live nothing else matters and i’m the happiest i could be. i actually love a few of those bands on the lineup- so im excited about the whole festival!
I really want to see fall out boy, all time love and Attack Attack<3 they have amazing music and it gets me through life. My favorite bands are going to be there and it'll be my first chance to ever see them live.
brand new!
there are so many bands i want to see at riot fest, but blink-182, say anything, and best coast are definitely top the list.
Im most excited for Blink, Violent Femmes, Gwar, Rancid, and Public Enemy
Brand New & Blink 182!!! Who can pick just one!?!?
I want to see AFI! I’ve been a fan for 8 years and I’m really missing my boys (They barely come to Detroit). A Fire Inside has kept me going for a very long time and I would love to be able to travel to see them.
I want to see AFI! I’ve been a fan for 8 years and I’m really missing my boys (They barely come to Detroit). A Fire Inside has kept me going for a very long time and I would love to be able to travel to see them.
The D-Plan!
GWAARRRRR!! MEAT! …. SANDWICH. Really though, the whole lineup looks great and it’s 2 blocks from me!
Fall out boy!
definitely most excited for fall out boy!
I would love to see blink 182!
I’m mainly excited to see Brand New and Best Coast!
This would be sweet!