Big Time Rush – 24/Seven
Review by Cara Bahniuk
Big Time Rush formed and found fame off of a hit Nickelodeon Television show. Their fan base quickly spread past the show and soon after they were touring with up-and-coming musical acts including famed British group One Direction. Big Time Rush is releasing their third studio album, 24/Seven, on June 11th.
The first time I listened to this album, I wasn’t hit by any ‘this album is SO great’ feelings. To be honest, I was a little disappointed. But the next day I decided to give the album another chance. I played it again… and again and again. If you couldn’t tell by the constant replay, I completely retracted my initial feelings on the album.
I have listened to Big Time Rush before, so I was expecting to hear songs similar to “Big Night” and “Boyfriend,” but 24/Seven offers so much more. There are definite signs that the group has matured and are more comfortable with their sound.
The album kicks off with the title track “24/Seven.” Out of all the tracks on the album, this one is the perfect way to begin the album. It’s a song you can picture yourself listening to throughout the entire summer. BTR gave fans a sneak peek into the new album when they released a shortened music video for the second track, “Like Nobody’s Around.” And out of all ten tracks, this one is most similar to the band’s past releases.
“Get Up” features DJ-esque sounds in the beginning and then quickly changes into acoustic guitar. By the chorus, the beats and guitars blended together to make the song stand out above other tracks on the album. If you’re looking for feel good, happy pop songs to add to your summer soundtrack, 24/Seven definitely has to be included. You might even end up hearing a song or two on the radio!
Overall Rating: 3.5/5
Recommended Tracks: “Get Up,” “Picture This,” and “Crazy For You”
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I think 24/seven will do even better than you are predicting. Other tracks..including LOVE ME AGAIN, WE ARE, and CONFETTI FALLING are amazing as well. Given a chance BTR could have a growing fanbase. Other less impressive and talented bands (cue 1D and the Wanted) receive undeserved radio play that would benefit BTR but because of their Nickelodeon start they lack respect in the industry. Older music buyers are “embarrassed ” to purchase BTR music because of their kid stigma.
Buyers should give 24/seven a chance. They will like it But buy the Deluxe Version for the 5 extra songs
LOVE ME AGAIN is one of them and my absolute favorite song on the album..followed by WE ARE. Though actually I have yet to hear a song on the album that I havent loved. I cant actually purchase a copy for nine more days and there are 10 more songs to hear and I CANT WAIT :D.
Seems like the album should rate at the very least a full 4 stars…though I would go even higher.
24/7 is beyond perfect!! I think it is my favorite album now!!! I cant wait for the deluxe album!