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Hot As Sun


You know a band is set up for success when they found their name through a Paul McCartney instrumental track. Hot As Sun, from Los Angeles, California, is a whimsical electro-pop band who’s music takes you on an everlasting journey through life and discovery with a little bit of time to spare for dancing. Their unique sound has caught the attention of many, including Nylon Magazine who premiered the band’s recent music video for their single “Dhance to the Beat.” Check out this trio below and get to know them and their music because we have a feeling you will be seeing a lot more from these guys in the future.

Jamie Jackson – singer/multi-instrumentalist
Deborah Stoll – megaphonist/visual artist
WAZ – guitarist

Current Single:
“Dahnce to the Beat”

The video just premiered on and features tap dancing, The Tootsie Roll and the incredible Chester Whitmore.

How did the band form?
Jamie and I met at The Integratron in Joshua Tree after a soundbath. I think the best way to describe our meeting is gestalt – a theory of visual perception developed in the 1920s. The theory attempts to describe how the human eye sees objects in their entirety before perceiving their individual parts, suggesting the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. It must have been something like this when we met because nothing else explains how, without subconsciously perceiving our future whole together, a musician and a journalist started a band. When we teamed up with WAZ, we became Hot As Sun.

What has been the highlight of your career so far?
I feel like each time we try something new and are successful it gives us the courage to continue. Certainly the first time we played live was nuts – we opened for Foster The People and it was sold out and we had no idea until we got on stage. Going to Art Basel was incredible. Collaborating with artists in different fields has been really satisfying; from directors to editors to painters to choreographers…we’re so inspired by all the different art forms and all the different ways artists interpret their world…when they  agree to work with us, it’s completely thrilling.                                   

Why should people listen to Hot As Sun?
I think our songs are relatable without hitting you over the head with their meaning. You can listen to them and access different things at different times. You know those songs you listen to at full blast banging your head with joy that are also relevant at full blast when you’re totally pissed off or hurt and sad? I feel like our songs have the ability to channel whatever emotion you’re feeling at the time and satisfy. Like a Snickers Bar.

What makes you different? 
Our album crosses genres. You may love certain songs and hate others…
we decided to take that risk.
Connect with Hot As Sun through their social media!
Website // Facebook // Twitter // Soundcloud // YouTube // Bandcamp // Blog


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