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Robert DeLong – Just Movement


Robert DeLong – Just Movement
Review by Jen Boylen

Just Movement is a strange album, in the best of ways.  The juxtaposition of genuine vocals and any possible electronic element is executed brilliantly.  In both regards, Robert DeLong will definitely make you want to ‘fucking dance’.  

From start to finish, Just Movement mixes real life percussion with electronic sounds and pretty much any other noise DeLong could get his hands on into a stew of musical innovation.  It’s not often you get a modern club vibe and actual vocals to go along with it.  It felt like The XX meets Matt and Kim meets…a Nintendo 64.  My favorite part is the fact that DeLong pairs generally chilled out vocal melodies with upbeat instrumentals.  It’s almost confusing, but commendable at the same time.

Each song has so much to it, it’s impossible to appreciate it all.  You can’t help but want to high five Rebort DeLong for meshing so much into one release.  Just Movement is full of sounds and techniques I’ve never heard on few other records, and it still manages to sound like music; good music at that.  Most electronic/alternative albums just have a DJ feel to it and not much else, but Just Movement actually has musicianship, which needs to be appreciated.

Besides “Global Concepts”, “Here” is my favorite track off this record.  Partially because it doesn’t use many on video game style sounds, at least not as prominently as the other songs do.  I also enjoyed “Complex By Degree”. It has a dub step edge to it, but the vocals and lyrics take the cake on that track for me. On top of everything though, you have to love “_________”.  Sleigh bells and the guts to give it no title?  What’s not to love?  (I’m not even being sarcastic; it’s my favorite thing on the whole record)

Overall Rating: 3.5/5
Recommended Tracks: “Global Concepts” “Here” “Complex By Degree”
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