An indie pop, punk music blog radiating positivity and individuality

Issue #12 – Issues


Every month we’re pretty much blown away by the fact that we’re still around releasing issues. But – here goes nothing! THIS IS OUR 12TH ISSUE! How crazy! We’re honored to have ISSUES grace the cover. They are certainly a band who prove day after day that you can overcome anything and still be around to be doing exactly what you love in the end.

However, it doesn’t end there. We’ve also got Miss May I, Before You Exit, Paradise Fears, Crown the Empire, Youngblood Hawke and Waterparks! Oh, and did we mention that Tattoo Stories is finally making it’s return? This issue is one of our favorites and we’re so glad to be sharing it with you.

READ IT HERE or by clicking ‘OPEN PUBLICATION’ below.
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  1. Pingback: Before You Exit Online // Your Online Source For Everything Before You Exit!

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