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TERROR signs to Victory Records


Today both LA based hardcore band, Terror and Chicago based record label Victory Records announced a partnership. Yes – the band has signed to the label. Check out a part of the press release below.

TERROR vocalist Scott Vogel comments, “When I was in high school, I would go to ‘Home of the Hits Records’ in Buffalo, NY and every week I would check for new Victory releases. Growing up, Victory Records always had the best hardcore bands, period. They had this awesome packaging and vibe that I loved. INTEGRITYSTRIFEBLOODLETEARTH CRISIS -it was a fucking amazing time for hardcore. Later, I met Tony when he came to Buffalo to seeSNAPCASE. We stayed in contact and made plans for my second band DESPAIR, but soon after we broke up. Victory and my band BURIED ALIVE worked together for years. They also had HATEBREEDBLOOD FOR BLOODALL OUT WAR and REACH THE SKY, all bands I’ve always respected and held in the highest regard. This summer I hung out with Tony and we had a wild night in Chicago. We talked about the good and bad of hardcore today and just had a blast. No business talk, no nonsense. We were under contract at the time so there wasn’t even room for it. As we got ready to release Live By The Code,TERROR and Century Media debated on how to release the record right and VICTORY RECORDS seemed like the best fit. Tony and I are both insane. We both come from the same place. We both scratch and fight to stay afloat. We still believe in the essence of hardcore and still love WARZONE. This is prettyfucking exciting.””


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