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Singled Out Announce Break-Up And Release Last Demo


I am sad to say that Singled Out has announced that they are calling it quits. The band has however released their last demo via the band’s Facebook entitled “Banned In Canada ft. Dos” which can be heard here. Check out the final statement from the band below.

Singled Out is calling it quits. When you’re in a band, there are certain responsibilities and sacrifices that need to be made. Some people cannot or are not willing to step up to the plate and make these sacrifices. Being in a band literally becomes your whole life. You make the band work with your social life, you make it work with your finances, work/school schedule, love life, everything has to cooperate with each other, and the band ALWAYS has to come first. With that all being said, some members in this band have decided they have different priorities when it comes to being in the band. Some of us have been debating calling it quits for months now to work on other projects with other people. And as much as it sucks to say that we’re done, we’re done. We have two shows booked at the moment that WE WILL BE PLAYING. At these shows, our merch will be on a huge discount. We appreciate everything and everyone who has ever come out to a show, watched us at Warped Tour, picked up a shirt, CD, it means everything to us. None of us are calling it quits on music, we are all starting up other projects that will be back involved in the scene really soon. Thank you.


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