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Motion City Soundtrack – Making Moves: Volume 6


Motion City Soundtrack – Making Moves: Volume 6
Album Review by Kristy Siciliano

Motion City Soundtrack, a beloved favorite of many, released their sixth and final release of the Making Moves series on November 6, 2012. Motion City Soundtrack has been closely working with Drexel University’s MAD Dragon Records to produce this record along with the other five. The Making Moves series includes single releases by up and coming artists, along with three tracks by Motion City Soundtrack. Volume 6 will include three songs entitled “Severance”, “Major Leagues” and “Pictures of Success”.

All of these songs have a different style and feel to it, but they flow into each very nicely. The song “Severance” is the start of Volume 6, it has a very melodramatic sound to it. When it starts up in the beginning, you get a feeling that it is going to be a sad song; just by the way the guitars are being played. But once it gets a little further into the song it starts to pick up and becomes an upbeat sounding song. The transition from point a to point b is ingenious. The way it gradually builds up is done so eloquently and it evokes a feeling that is indescribable.

“Major Leagues” is the second song on the record. The sound is very upbeat, with the guitars and the drum rhythms. It definitely has a lot of different rhythms, between the drums and the guitars, but in the end it blends together. This is a kind of song where it makes you want to get up and dance. It just has a vibrancy that flows throughout the song that makes it stand out amongst the other two songs on the record, it definitely resonates in your ears after you listen to it for the first time.

“Pictures of Success” which it is the last song on the record. Just like “Severance” it is very melodramatic. The guitars are very droning in the beginning, but it works with Justin Pierre’s voice, the guitars are not overpowering where it becomes distracting from his voice. Unlike “Severance” the song doesn’t pick up and turn into an upbeat song. “Pictures of Success” stays melodramatic throughout the whole song and it gives you this weird feeling, but in a good way of course. “Ready to go” is a line from the song, it makes you want to get up and do something productive, so this song could be portrayed as a motivational song in some sort of way.

The Making Moves Volume 6 will be available as limited edition 7” vinyl and digitally via MAD Dragon Records and Motion City Soundtracks recently launched label, called The Boombox Generation on November 6th.  If you love Motion City Soundtrack you will love this record, so go pick it up! If you don’t have a record player, you’re in luck since it will be available as a digital version as well!

Overall Rating: 4/5
Recommended Tracks: Severance
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