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Andrew McMahon Announces Last Jack’s Mannequin Show


After a few posts that strongly hinted at the end of Jack’s Mannequin, Andrew McMahon has now announced the last show Jack’s Mannequin will ever play. On November 11th the band will perform for the final time at the 3rd Annual Dear Jack Benefit in Los Angeles. The profits will all go to the Dear Jack foundation which was started by McMahon to help young adults affected by cancer. You can read McMahon’s full statement below.


“I hope you have all had an excellent summer. There have been a great many changes taking place in my world and I wanted to take this opportunity to briefly share them with you.

At the heart of this change is the closing of a very important chapter in my life, one that is no doubt close to all of us. On November 11th, in Los Angeles at the 3rd annual Dear Jack benefit, my band and I will perform our last set as Jack’s Mannequin.

These are not easy words to write but I truly believe that the ending of this chapter will give birth to something beautiful. I cannot thank you all enough for the support you have given, not just to me, but also to Bobby, Jay, Mikey and Jon over the last 7 years. We are eager to take the stage on the 11th and play these songs that have scored nearly a decade of our lives, for you, the people who have given them a home. It feels both fated and appropriate that the profits from this show go to supporting young adults affected by cancer.

You can continue to chart my progress at, as well as@amslingshots on twitter and @amnthewilderness on instagram. As more develops during this transition for both my band mates and myself, I will be keeping you up to speed via one or more of these newly adopted spaces. I look forward to seeing you on the 11th to celebrate the music I have had the joy of creating as jacks mannequin. It will be a beautiful night.”


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